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Auf rund 350 m2 präsentieren wir in wechselnden Ausstellungen zeitgenössische, moderne Kunst. Künstlerische Workshops, Gesprächsrunden und ein vielfältiges, interaktives Programm, welches das Münchner Kunstleben bereichert.
Die Galerie befindet sich im Herzen des historischen Münchner Stadtteils Bogenhausen. Sie bietet eine einzigartige Atmosphäre, welche die Kunst prachtvoll zur Geltung bringt. Fußläufig erreichbar vom Prinzregentenplatz liegt die Galerie BRIGHTER ART in einem faszinierenden Altbau, welcher die Werke der ausgestellten Künstler herrschaftlich präsentiert. Besichtigungen und Ankauf der präsentierten Werke können über unsere Kontaktseite vereinbart werden.

Brighter Art Gallery

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Our History


The Early Years

The first modern art museums emerged in the 19th century, as a way to showcase the art of the present day and to promote the values of modernity. These museums were often associated with avant-garde movements like Impressionism and Expressionism, and they featured works by artists who were considered to be outside the mainstream.


The Mid-20th Century

In the mid-20th century, modern art museums began to focus more on abstract and conceptual art, as well as on artists who were working in media like film, performance, and installation. These museums also began to engage more actively with issues of social and political relevance, and to showcase work by artists who were exploring themes of identity and representation.


The Late 20th Century

In the late 20th century, modern art museums continued to evolve, and many began to focus on global and multicultural perspectives. They also began to incorporate more digital and new media art into their collections and exhibitions.


The 21st Century

In the 21st century, modern art museums have continued to adapt and change, reflecting the rapidly evolving nature of contemporary art. Many museums have expanded their focus to include art from a wider range of countries and regions, and have embraced new technologies and platforms to reach a wider audience.


Expert Members

Angel Casondra


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